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Think Outside The Pack: Oddball Tips to Quitting Smoking

Writer: Valley View Health Center Valley View Health Center

A man with a funny hat on smokes a cigarette with three women who are also smoking

The Hardest Resolution

As we approach the promise of a brand new year later this week, we know that it’s the time that people reflect on becoming a better version of themselves, and making New Years resolutions to help them focus on being better. If you are a smoker, you might have chosen "stop smoking" as one.

Well, good luck with that!

No, really. We DO wish you luck with it, but that’s because we know how hard it is to quit. The CDC says that of all the people that decide to quit, less that 10% are successful. Nicotine is a powerful addiction, and it isn’t just physical. Most of the difficulty lies in how it affects you psychologically.

Because smoking is not just a habit, but also a psychological dependence. We’ve all seen it, and some of us maybe have been it. You try to do a good thing by stopping smoking and boom, you’re super grouchy, emotional, hard to deal with. That’s putting it mildly.

It’s hard to concentrate at work, none of your friends want to be around you. Even your dog annoys you. That’s no fun and neither are you. Wouldn’t it just be easier to just go ahead and light one up and get back to being “normal”?

It might be easier, but you’re not going to take the easy way out this time. Good for you! You’re determined to kick this thing once and for all!

So, how can you do it without becoming a monster?

And are there some ways to cope that you haven’t tried?

Lucky for you, yes. Yes, there are.


An attractive woman teacher smiling and pointing to her brain because she's smart

First, let’s make your brain your friend.

Before we go into the weird ways we can cope, it’s important to know one thing.

Most of the physical part of quitting, when nicotine is making its way out of your body, is typically experienced during the first week.

But your mind, though. That’s the problem, right? It’s telling you you need that fix.

Believe it or not, your mind has great power to overcome those cravings, as long as you can find ways to redirect your thoughts, come up with some new strategies, and basically cope with this new normal.

While standard treatments like nicotine patches and medications can be really effective, think of these things as additional help to assist you in making the transition to a healthier you.


Weird Ways to Quit Smoking

A woman whose face is halfway out of the picture drinking a lemonade out of a mason jar with a straw

Is that a…straw?!

Engaging in activities that occupy your mind and hands can be remarkably effective when cravings hit. This is because part of a habit you’ve had for years is the “ritual” of having a cigarette — going outside, taking a break, and firing one up.

This sounds weird, but for some people it works.

Instead of reaching for a cigarette, consider using a straw during your usual smoke breaks. (It helps if you cut it in half, so it feels more like a cigarette in your fingers.) This strange but surprisingly effective technique works because it engages muscle memory and helps with the oral fixation without the need for a smoke. It keeps your hands busy and mimics the physical act of smoking without introducing harmful substances into your body.

Step outside during these times, just as you would for a smoke, to maintain the routine while changing the habit. It’s going to feel kind of corny at first, but you might find that your body going through the actual motions of smoking will help the unconscious part of your mind that is used to doing all that.

Oh, an important tip here. Don’t light your straw!

You might also find it beneficial to chew gum or eat some healthy snacks to satisfy that urge to have something in your mouth, all while steering clear of tobacco.


An AI generated image of peppercorns and peppermint candy and peppermint leaves on a table

What’s that smell? It’s the smell of success, that’s what! And maybe pepper.

The sense of smell is a funny and powerful thing.

We know it’s effective in triggering memories and making things taste better. Wouldn’t it make sense that it could also help you ward off anxiety and grouchiness?

Some people swear that certain aromas offer calming effects and can reduce cravings.

A couple of recent studies back that up, too. For example, in one study, the researchers found that the smokers' cigarette cravings declined after they smelled pleasant aromas, such as chocolate, apple, peppermint, lemon or vanilla.

But maybe the most unusual series of studies say that the scent of black pepper is really effective.

According to this NIH study, people who puffed on a device that delivered a vapor from essential oil of black pepper reported significantly reduced cravings and anxiety when compared to the people who didn’t.

Now, let’s be clear. We’re NOT saying go get you some peppercorns, roll them up, and light them on fire.

No, no, no. Please don’t do that.

What we are saying, though, is that maybe exploring some use of scents can help. Try using essential oils or scented candles when a craving arises to relax your mind and alleviate the urge to smoke. (Participants in one study, for example, put one drop of black pepper essential oil on a tissue and inhaled the fumes for 2 minutes.)

Scents can help calm your nerves and act as a strong reminder to boost your determination.

To make it personal and switch from a bad habit to a good one, think about creating a “scent ritual” before bed or during meditation. Use your favorite calming scents to help you relax and feel peaceful, which can decrease your urge to smoke.


Two professional young women dressed for autumn leaning on a blue fence and smiling while talking

Get a Friend IRL to Help (But Not Mean Family Members on Facebook)

Sharing your journey with friends, family, or a community can provide much-needed support. By involving people close to you in your quest to stop smoking, you're creating a network of encouragement and accountability.

Let’s face it, though. It can also make you feel pretty bad when you stumble or have a weak moment, and next thing you know, Uncle Jim Bob is all over Facebook mocking you and telling your whole family “I knew they couldn’t do it!”

So while it’s great advice to have someone to help you be accountable, make sure it’s someone you trust to encourage you and not rub your nose in it when or if you have a setback.

One technique that many find effective is instead of buying a pack of smokes every day (or however often you buy them), take that money and give it to a friend for safe keeping. At the end of the month, year, whatever, have them give you the money.

Then take them out to eat or do something fun.

Like go on a cruise together. Cigs ain’t cheap.

A strong word of advice here: Don’t post it on your social media pages until you have finally kicked the habit. While I’m sure your grandma would be really proud of you, there are also people who would love to see you fail.

Don’t buy into that kind of negativity. Call your grandma instead. She’d love to hear from you.

Online forums and support groups where people who don’t know you but have gone through the same thing you are can also serve as helpful resources where you can exchange tips, success stories, and seek comfort during difficult times.


A close up of a woman breaking a cigarette in half

Encouragement and Support

It’s About The Journey

Relapses can happen, and it’s essential to handle them with grace and understanding. Rather than viewing these relapses as failures, learn from each experience and use setbacks as stepping stones toward your goal. Think about what led to the slip—was it stress or a social situation? Identifying triggers can help you prepare better for future challenges.

Always remember to celebrate small victories, no matter how minor they seem; each victory, whether it’s one hour or one day without smoking, contributes to a larger success. Each one boosts your confidence and motivation, reinforcing the belief that you can overcome this addiction.

Reward yourself. It’s important!


Reach Out To Us for Help

Combining these unusual tips with professional support programs further enhances your chances of success. Lucky for you, we’re all about your health here (in case the name “Valley View Health Centers” wasn’t a total giveaway…😁)

Nicotine replacement therapies, prescription medications, and counseling can all provide additional layers of support that can make all the difference in your journey. A professional perspective and tailored game plan based on your individual needs can really help you kick smoking for good.

Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and surrounding yourself with the right support system can profoundly impact your ability to quit and maintain that status long-term.

If you would like some professional support, call one of our locations and set up an appointment with someone who can help you with all this. We really do love to help you get healthy! It’s our thing.


A multiracial group of friends toasting with champagne and smiling on New Years

Finally, A Word of Encouragement

Here's to a Healthier Life in 2025

Imagine the freedom and health benefits of a smoke-free life. It’s pretty nice.

Breathing better, having more energy, saving tons of money. (And the food! You will be amazed what you’re missing when you can taste things better.)

Embrace each step with positivity and motivation, recognizing that every moment spent away from cigarettes is a victory in itself.

Keep in mind that your journey is unique and personal—every effort you make, no matter how small, is bringing you closer to a healthier, smoke-free future. Stay determined, lean on your support system, and don’t be afraid to get a little weird.

We’re here to cheer you on every step of the way. You’ve got this! And remember, we’re here to help.

Give us a call when you’re ready to start this new year as a healthier and happier you!

We’re all in this together, and nothing makes us happier than seeing your succeed.

And we’ll never call you weird for having an empty half a straw in your mouth.

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